Advanced Blending Technologies, LLC

Plastic Blend Formulating & Optimizing

About Us

Founded in 2002, Advanced Blending Technologies (ABT) is committed to providing recycled polyethylene users with expertise, strategic services and formulation solutions to help reduce costs and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Advanced Blending Technologies focuses on helping manufacturers and processors use recycled polyethylene more efficiently, increasing availability, lowering costs, improving product quality and increasing throughput.  The firm also provides assistance in areas ranging from sourcing materials and dealing with problematic materials to improving manufacturing efficiencies, product quality and the optimization of blends to meet specific product requirements.

Advanced Blending Technologies’ expertise in blending and advanced material characterization includes experience in plastics processing, blending, and using recycled plastics, with Engineering R&D, Manufacturing, and Operations emphasis.

Chris Ernst

During his 28 year tenure at Hancor, Inc. of Findlay, Ohio, Chris Ernst served as Vice-President of Engineering and Research and Development, overseeing the successful launch of several “first to the world” products.

Chris developed his expertise in using recycled materials in high end products at Hancor, which has used billions of pounds of recycled plastics.  Hancor has been recognized as one of the world pioneers and leaders in using recycled HDPE.