The OptiMISER System

Plastic Blend Formulating & Optimizing

The OptiMISER System

The OptiMISER System allows you to manufacture high-value products from commodity-grade, low-cost material streams. In fact, in many applications, processors have replaced prime materials with wide-specification, recycled and reprocessed polyethylene resins, getting the same and even higher levels of end-product quality! 

Years of proven performance
The OptiMISER System is being used in a variety of processes including blow molding, injection molding, pipe and profile extrusion, sheet extrusion and thermoforming. 

Processors using 100% recycled polyethylene materials are experiencing improved throughput, scrap reduction and higher quality while further reducing material costs.

The OptiMISER System provides:

Assessment of your processes for initial software programming of production parameters. 

Rapid low cost material characterization. Get rapid test results. When you’re ready, we can help you set up set up an onsite material test lab. 

Initial software programming, including development and input of properties reflecting your specific processes, blending variables and product performance requirements. 

Simple, easy-to-use operator instructions and start-up assistance; little training needed. The OptiMISER System was developed for easy use by shop floor operators.

Software performance features:

  • Selects blends from your inventory of available resins.
  • Can be set for multiple material properties (as few as two specifications and as many as seven)
  • Takes into account quantities of available materials and their costs.
  • Delivers all possible recipe/blend solutions optimized for least cost.
  • Provides full on-screen results and analysis.

OptiMISER Brochure

Download a copy of our OptiMISER brochure